Supporting Documents
Applicants must submit all relevant supporting documents listed in the LPDP-Australia Awards Scholarships Guidelines with their application. Photocopies of certified documents will not be accepted.
Applicants must also provide the following essential documents to meet the specific requirements. If at least one essential document is not provided, your application will be automatically rejected:
No. |
Documents |
1 |
Personal Biodata. |
2 |
National Identity Card (KTP). |
3 |
Scanned document of the original or legalised Bachelor's Degree certificate or a Certificate of Completion (SKL). |
4 |
A letter of termination as a student from the university for those who did not complete their Masters. |
5 |
Scanned document of Bachelor's Degree (S1/D4) Academic Transcript (not a Professional Transcript). For D4 continuation from D3, it is mandatory to submit the D3 transcript. |
6 |
Document of degree equivalence from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology/Ministry of Religious Affairs or a screenshot of the degree equivalence as required. |
7 |
GPA conversion documents from the Ministry of Education and Science/Ministry of Religious Affairs or screenshots of GPA conversion applications as required. |
8 |
Original and valid Foreign Language Certificate, preferably issued within one year from the registration deadline. |
9 |
Online Recommendation Letter from a community leader or academic figure. (*) |
10 |
Proposal letter from the official in charge of human resources for CPNS/PNS (civil servants) in accordance with regulations. |
11 |
Declaration statement submitted through the online application system. |
12 |
Personal profile as entered in the online registration form. |
13 |
Commitment to return to Indonesia, post-study plans, and contribution plans in Indonesia. |
14 |
Scientific publications, achievements in competitions/non-competitions, and organisational experience (if any). |
(*) The letter must be issued no later than 1 (one) year in the same month as the scholarship application.