Australia Awards in Indonesia

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22 February 2016

Automatic Fault Analysis in Power Systems via Application Service Provider

Mustarum Musaruddin,  February 2011
The University of Adelaide

This dissertation presents a new approach to automated fault analysis in electrical power systems. New contributions to the fault and disturbance investigation topic are automated fault analysis service (AFAS) via application service provider (ASP) and remote relay testing service (RRTS). The implementation of AFAS complies with the new international standard of communication network and system in substations (IEC-61850).

The signal processing approaches in an automated fault analysis service are based on the wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition methods. Several case studies have been carried out to test the performance of the signal segmentation technique. The data for analyses are from simulated fault data and from real disturbance records obtained from the intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in substations.

The implementation of AFAS and RRTS was developed using C# with .NET technologies, MATLAB and open source software. Signal segmentation, signal modelling, fault type classification, fault location service, a web-based COMTRADE viewer and remote relay test service have been developed in this dissertation. Such services are designed to enhance manual investigations performed by engineers. The services have been tested extensively using disturbance records from power utilities and a power system simulation model.

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