Australia Awards in Indonesia

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Water Management for Water Security in The Densely Populated Small Island

13 Oct 2021

Water Management for Water Security in The Densely Populated Small Island

Project leader: Mr. Tubagus Solihuddin

Level of education and university: PhD, Applied Geology, Curtin University

Collaborating Organisations: POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) Pulau Tunda, Lembaga Penanggulangan Bencana dan Perubahan Iklim Nahdlatul Ulama Provinsi Banten

Project Location: Tunda Island, Tangerang, Banten

Activity Type: Community development activities

Sector: Natural Resource Management, Water and Sanitation, Climate Change

Project Rationale:

The issue of water shortages in small islands, including mitigation against it, has recently generated quite a lot of concern from the general public, decision-makers, environmental practitioners, as well as scientists. The underlying cause is believed to be excessive groundwater extraction to keep up with urban development. Also, the threat of water security in small islands due to climate change impacts.

Composing of reef materials, Tunda Island, which lies off Banten Province in the Java Sea, is categorised as a small island which has limited availability of groundwater resources. Hence, the groundwater from the island’s aquifers is an important freshwater resource for economic activities such as tourism, urban services, and mainly for drinking purposes. The growth of population and tourism activities in Tunda Island has significantly increased in recent years. As a consequence, the groundwater has been intensively exploited resulting in concern about a water crisis in coming years. Furthermore, the rainfall pattern changes due to climate change will significantly reduce water precipitation and reserves on the island.

Project Beneficiaries:

POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata or Tourism Conscious Group) and LPBI NU Banten (Lembaga Penanggulangan Bencana dan Perubahan Iklim Nahdlatul Ulama or Nahdlatul Ulama Institute for Disaster Measures and Climate Changes) Banten.

Priority Development Area:

Economic Recovery

Link with Australian organisation: -

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