Australia Awards in Indonesia

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Empowering Accounting Vocational Teachers in Village Finance through BAGUS-MAKDES (Belajar Antar Guru SMK - Materi Keuangan Desa)

25 Apr 2022

Empowering Accounting Vocational Teachers in Village Finance through BAGUS-MAKDES (Belajar Antar Guru SMK - Materi Keuangan Desa)

Project leader: Mr Rido Parulian Panjaitan

Level of education and university: PhD, Queensland University of Technology

Collaborating Organisations: Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi (MGMP Akuntansi) Organisation in different location, which are: MGMP Akuntansi Aceh Utara; MGMP Akuntansi Banten, MGMP Akuntansi Merauke.

Project Location: Banten, Papua

Activity Type: Capacity building, mentoring or coaching

Sector: -

Project Rationale:

The Government of Indonesia is highly promoting vocational high school (Sekolah Menengah Khusus/SMK) as a way to eradicate unemployment in Indonesia. However, the data shows that in 2020, vocational high school alumni contributed 13.55% of the unemployment rate in Indonesia (Khurniawan, 2020*).

The Ministry of Education and Culture issued a regulation regarding the mandatory basic competencies that should be fulfilled by SMK students. The regulation, namely PERDIRJEN DIKDASMEN 464 Tahun 2018, states that students of SMK majoring in the Accounting and Financial Program should have some basic competencies in administrating Keuangan Desa (Village Finance). In other words, the regulation stipulates that each SMK is obliged to provide village financial materials to the students.

However, the Keuangan Desa subject somehow cannot be delivered properly. Based on our previous discussion with SMK teachers we have identified some problems:

  • Most teachers lack knowledge on the subject of Keuangan Desa (Information gathered from SMK teachers in Aceh Utara, Singkawang and Lebak, Banten).
  • Teachers do not have reliable, comprehensive and up to date material regarding Keuangan Desa (Information gathered from a teacher in Aceh Utara, Lebak and Tanimbar island, Maluku province).

The problems mentioned above make it more difficult for SMK students to address the limited knowledge of the subject (Interview with teacher from Tanimbar Island, Maluku province). Furthermore, SMK pupils cannot access village management as one of required activities in learning Keuangan Desa (Lebak, Banten).

We believe that our project (BAGUS MAKDES) can solve the problem due to two main reasons:

  • First, our team members are lecturers who have competencies in delivering the Keuangan Desa subject, both from theoretical and practical views. Our team also has sufficient background in teaching, researching, assisting partners and writing regarding this area.
  • Second, participants (SMK teachers) will be actively involved in the BAGUS MAKDES program through interactive learning. Participants will be engaged to perform interesting activities regarding the Keuangan Desa subject and follow by documenting their experiences into learning modules. Project team members will assist with the last activities.

At the end of the program, teachers will posses not only experience with the subject, but also course material to pass on to their students.


Project Beneficiaries:

This project will upgrade 60 SMK teachers (vocational teachers) as the direct beneficiaries of Keuangan Desa capacities and relevant and innovative materials for use free of charge by public.

Priority Development Area:

Economic Recovery

Link with Australian organisation:

Business School- Queensland University of Technology

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