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InKLUsi (Inisiasi Kelurahan Inklusi)/Initiation of Disability Inclusive Kelurahans in Padang City

25 Apr 2022

InKLUsi (Inisiasi Kelurahan Inklusi)/Initiation of Disability Inclusive Kelurahans in Padang City

Project leader: Mr Antoni Tsaputra

Level of education and university: PhD, The University of New South Wales

Collaborating Organisations: PPDI Padang

Project Location: Sumatera Barat

Activity Type: Organisational or institutional strengthening

Sector: -

Project Rationale:

PPDI Padang conducted a workshop with some kelurahan governments on the importance of disability-inclusive development at the kelurahan level. The workshop introduced a concept of disability-inclusive kelurahan and identified the challenges faced by the kelurahan governments to start implementing the initiative. The main problem is that they do not have any disability data at their kelurahan. They cannot do anything without reliable disability data. Other challenges include their lack of knowledge in how to build disability databases, provide accessibility, and how to interact properly with disabled people.

Project Beneficiaries:

The main beneficiaries of this project are staff of 45 kelurahan governments and disability groups from the three pilot Disability Inclusive Kelurahans.

Priority Development Area:


Link with Australian organisation:

Inclusion Australia

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