Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

AFL for Empowering Indonesian Women and Educating Inclusion: Footy Coaching Clinic and AFL Virtual Tour around Indonesia

25 Apr 2022

AFL for Empowering Indonesian Women and Educating Inclusion: Footy Coaching Clinic and AFL Virtual Tour around Indonesia

Project leader: Ms Ana Surjanto

Level of education and university: Master, Monash University

Collaborating Organisations: Ma’had Al Jami’ah of IAIN Salatiga (Islamic Boarding School for Female Students/ Pondok Pesantren Putri)

Project Location: Jawa Tengah

Activity Type: Capacity building, mentoring or coaching

Sector: -

Project Rationale:

Cases of violence against women in Indonesia have increased dramatically from 2013 to 2021. The National Committee of Women Affairs reported 279,760 cases of violence against women in 2013 and 348,446 cases in 2017 (Komnas Perempuan, 2018). Many women have become victims of domestic violence including sexual and verbal harassment, human trafficking, and rape. In Central Java, Legal Resources Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (2018) reported 2,737 cases of violence against women, up from 766 cases in 2013.
Worldwide, cases of domestic violence are a shadow pandemic that has increased during COVID-19. In May, a mother and her two daughters in Central Java died by suicide, the result of economic burden and unequal workloads carried by women. Women have been adversely impacted by the worsening social and economic conditions during the pandemic, followed by restrictions and lockdowns (WHO Special Report, 2020). Meanwhile, in West Java, in Madani Boarding School at Cibiru there is a case of a teacher who assaulted 12 female students. As a recreational activity, sport is needed to support Indonesian women who live in boarding schools and young girls who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Footy Coaching Clinic is important to educate female students as well as empower women to speak up, enhancing their voices and achieving gender equity particularly when they are facing violence, besides promoting healthy and happy lives.

This is in line with the United Nations (UN) and the newest Indonesian curriculum of "Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka". UN Secretary-General; Kofi Annan (2003) said that “when women thrive, all of society benefits, and succeeding generations are given a better start in life”. Furthermore, it has been shown that empowering women spurs productivity and economic growth (UN Women, 2020). As sport meets everyone’s basic need to healthy and happy lives and sporting activity can be active recreation, this project will run two main programs. First, the Footy Coaching Clinic for women and young girls in Salatiga, Central Java. Second, AFL virtual tours around Indonesia, the so-called Footy-nesia. This is also in line with the "Merdeka Belajar" curriculum that emphasises points on humanity and independent projects (Kemendikbud, 2021).

From our discussions with the principals, committees and some students at boarding schools, there are gaps in positive interactions and socialisation which impact female confidence and knowing their value in society. Therefore, we see AFL as a strategic way to empower female students because it has many benefits. First, it will enable the young girls and women to develop teamwork, leadership skills and good communication. Second, it will enable them to connect and strengthen their relationships with other women. Third, it can be a good way to develop the women’s global understanding through using footy (Australian rules football) as Australia is the neighbouring country of Indonesia and the project leader is an Australian university alumna.

We believe the footy coaching clinic will be a significant factors for the girls and women to successfully develop an inclusive and better society through understanding another culture and supporting the women to take active recreation through sport. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, sport is valuable in contributing to a healthy life-balance. Footy Coaching Clinics are about more than learning hand-passing, kicking and marking, but are a key factor in developing mental health, and emotional stability. In the footy coaching clinic, it will not be just sport that is taught, but also how to develop the mindset to face the ball without fear. Further, through a culture of encouragement and appreciation in every footy coaching clinic, the girls become more confident. In case they are facing violence, they will know how to better protect and value themselves. After all, the footy coaching clinic will be facilitating Indonesian women to live healthy and happy lives.
This year, the project will add an innovative way that AFL can be used for educating inclusion through AFL Virtual Tours around Indonesia. There will be webinars with guest speakers from Australian organisations who will share Australian sport and sporting values to enhance mutual understanding between Australia and Indonesia. As has been said by the Indonesian President, "Indonesia and Australia are destined to be close neighbours. We cannot choose our neighbours. We have to choose to be friends. Australia is Indonesia's closest friend," (Joko Widodo, 2020).

Project Beneficiaries:

  • As the project has two key aims on empowering Indonesian women and educating inclusion through AFL, the project beneficiaries will be two categories. First, 150-200 female students including the committees of Islamic boarding school IAIN Salatiga and women in Central Java will be the main beneficiaries for empowering Indonesian women through AFL.
  • Second, the beneficiaries for the AFL Virtual Tours will be the students and Australian Alumni who are currently lecturing in these universities in Indonesia as follows:
  1. Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera (UMSU)
  2. National University (UNAS) Jakarta
  3. State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  4. Airlangga University Surabaya
  5. State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  6. Muhammadiyah University of Kalimantan (UMKT)
  7. State Islamic University (UIN) Alaudin Makassar

Priority Development Area:


Link with Australian organisation:

Jakarta Bintangs Australian Football Club, Australian Football League (AFL) Indonesia, and Krakatoas Football Club (Melbourne).

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